Recent Announcements

2024 Board Goals mid year progress


Set up a Marketing Committee engaging internally with RBAs and members using surveys and interviews, externally with cycling clubs and organizations, with a broad goal of increasing market awareness, RUSA membership and ridership.

Committee set up, RBA Survey completed, summary results forthcoming

Rules and Procedures

Review and update all rules, procedures and other documentation for organizers and riders, for all types of rides e.g. Brevets and Populaires, Team Events, UAF Audax and Permanents

ACP and RUSA Brevets:

Rules for Riders – brevets and populaires – Complete

Rules for Organizers – brevets and populaires – Nearly Complete

Rules for LRM Riders (1200 km and longer US events) – In Progress

Rules for LRM Organizers (1200 km and longer US events) – In Progress

Team Events:

24-Hr Fleches-USA (ACP sanction) - In Progress

24-Hr Arrow (RUSA sanction) - In Progress

13.5-Hr Dart (RUSA sanction) - In Progress

8-Hr Dart populaire (RUSA sanction) - In Progress


Permanents (200 km and longer) - Not Started Yet

Permanents populaires (100 km -199 km) - Not Started Yet

UAF Audax: fixed-pace group rides regulations - Not Started Yet

Internal Organization

  1. Review and update charter and staffing for all Committees - rationalized committees, reviewed staffing.  Charter not started
  2. Calendar all operational activities - calendaring mostly complete and ongoing
  3. Set up a Nominating Committee for Succession Planning - outstanding, no progress

Event Registration Support and Insurance

  1. Share tools and approaches across regions - some discussions, no progress
  2. Develop a plan to provide a common toolset and centrally house all waivers - some discussions with RBAs


  1. Physical Gravel Award – no progress
  2. Volunteer Recognition - plan in place to provide patches to RBAs and Committees
  3. Climbing - web work underway


  1. Facilitate the rollout of gravel Permanents - complete
  2. Facilitate the development and tracking of cumulative climbing - underway
  3. Increase website account adoption for priority functions - under review
  4. Improve membership signup, renewal and data change overhead - outstanding
  5. Develop election tool for RUSA elections - 3rd party software being used
  6. Revisit gender data collection and reporting – plan being discussed
  7. Explore and potentially overhaul RUSA's privacy practices - review outstanding
  8. Historical total membership reporting - complete

New RUSA Marketing Committee

RUSA now has a Marketing Committee. Its mission is to promote the sport of randonneuring and support our Regional Brevet Administrators (RBAs) and their clubs. Members are Phil Fox (chair), Bill Bryant, Nigel Greene, Wei Sun, and Lydia Trott.

"The Marketing Committee will focus on elevating our communication strategies and developing outreach initiatives to raise awareness, attract new participants, and strengthen the randonneuring community nationwide. By harnessing the expertise and insights of our members and RBAs, we aim to drive growth and engagement within our community."

They can be contacted at

Marketing Committee

ACP Super Randonneur Award - now calendar year

Audax Club Parisien (ACP) has changed the Super Randonneur Award so that it is achieved by riding an ACP 200k, 300k, 400k, and 600k brevet in a given calendar year (January 1 - December 31). Formerly the ACP used their fiscal year (11/1 - 10/31).

A note about ACP brevets calendared for November and December: the ACP adds these to their calendar in the fall of that year. So you may not see them on your region's calendar until that time of year. But once added, you can use them towards your SR award for that year.

New and Retired Chicago Regions!

In mid January, in order to better serve the US's 3rd largest metropolitan region, the RUSA Board approved an additional region and RBA, based in Central Chicago. Sarah Rice will serve as RBA for the IL: Chicago Central region, which will be hosted by a new club, Chicago Randonneurs.

On February 5th, Michele Brougher, the RBA for IL:Chicago and president of Great Lakes Ultra Cycling (Great Lakes Randonneurs), which largely served Eastern Wisconsin, informed the RUSA Board that Great Lakes Ultra Cycling will no longer affiliate with Randonneurs USA or the Audax Club Parisien. Michele also resigned as RBA for that region.  At this time, without a host club, the IL:Chicago region has been deactivated.

RBAs from the new IL: Chicago Central region as well as surrounding regions will be reviewing their calendars in the next few days to ensure coverage for our ridership.  Many of our members ride with local clubs as well as with RUSA.  We welcome GLUC members on RUSA events in the midwest and elsewhere in the US.

The RUSA Board thanks Michele Brougher for years of dedication and service to RUSA and randonneuring.

Please direct all questions to

Intermediate Checkpoints Now Untimed for ACP/RUSA Brevets

Dear RUSA Members,

The Audax Club Parisien has made a major change to its Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux regulations that we follow at Randonneurs USA. Starting immediately, there will only be timing at the final control of each brevet. The RUSA Board of Directors has voted to follow this and so our US brevets and populaires will no longer have timed intermediate controls. (Grand Randonnées of 1200km+ follow different rules.)

The ACP is encouraging RBAs to still use the familiar opening and closing times for intermediate controls, but this is to be only a guideline to help riders stay inside the time window for a successful finish at the final control, which will be timed. And, following the recent change for events 1200 km and longer by Les Randonneurs Mondiaux, US organizers for grand randonnées can chose to use timed intermediate controls or not.

What do you need to do? Ride events as you always would – you must follow the route and reach all the control points, but don’t stress too much about the control times between the start and the finish; now it is the final checkpoint’s timing that you need to be concerned with.

Best wishes for a good year of randonneuring,

The RUSA Board of Directors

Tim Sullivan awarded 2023 American Randonneur Award!

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that they have awarded the 2023 American Randonneur Award to Tim Sullivan (#28). Tim has been volunteering since our earliest days and started randonneuring in 1994 with Boston Montreal Boston (BMB). He has served on the Board many years and has also provided us with key legal counsel on various matters that have helped us become a successful sporting organization. 

Upon receiving the award, Tim shared: "Thank you to the Board for the American Randonneur Award. I feel honored to join a list of prior recipients who I have always respected for the work on behalf of RUSA. Volunteering for RUSA has always been a pleasure because of the camaraderie of our sport. Be it from volunteering at a local brevet, assisting RBAs, or working on the Board. It is one of the things that makes our niche aspect of bicycling unique and what I have enjoyed for the past 30 years. Volunteering for RUSA has never felt like work."

Additional details will be in the next issue of our American Randonneur magazine.

Tim Sullivan - ARA

2024 RUSA Officers

The Board has elected the following as 2024 Officers:

President - Dave Thompson

Vice President - Dawn Piech

Secretary - Gardner Duvall

Treasurer - Lois Springsteen (not a Board member)*

Non-Officer Board members: Bill Bryant, Charlie Martin, Vinny Muoneke, and Rob Hawks (RBA Liaison)

* President, VP, and Secretary must be Board members. Treasurer can be someone not on the Board.

Gravel Launch for Perms - Coming February 1

With the success of the gravel program started in 2021, we are now expanding offerings to the Permanents program. We think this will bring new routes, new challenges and new adventures for anyone wanting to jump off the pavement. You know what they say, “pavement ends, fun begins” and the fun will begin when you add routes into the perm library, or update unpaved distance for existing perms. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Submit a NEW gravel perm route, one that is completely new to Permanents.

2. UPDATE a route already in the permanent library that has unpaved distance - This form verifies the unpaved distance, so you can ride with the extra time bonus and accumulate unpaved distance credit.   

3.REACTIVATE a perm from the old Permanents program into the new Permanents library - Dust off that old route and resubmit it into the new Permanents library. You will be able to supply unpaved distance for the reactivated route using form.

The sooner riders submit routes, the more routes are available to earn unpaved distance credit and future trinkets. Unpaved roads open up 1000s of miles of riding options. Let’s explore - Rando-style!

► Gravel program details - will be updated with Perms details soon.

Gravel Program

Election Results for 2024 RUSA Board of Directors and RBA Liaison

RUSA is pleased to announce that Dawn Piech and Dave Thompson have been elected to serve 3-year terms on the Board of Directors and that Rob Hawks has been re-elected as RBA Liaison for 2024. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the other candidates who stood for election. A special thanks, also, to Dan Driscoll, who will be stepping down at the end of the year. The election results are as follows:

For Regular Board Positions:

Phil Fox 237
Susan Gryder 160
Misha Heller 277
Dawn Piech 306
Dave Thompson 300
Number of Voters 676


For RBA Liaison:
Rob Hawks - 40

Many thanks, also, to Johnny Bertrand for managing this election.
