RBA Resources

Regional Brevet Administrators (RBAs) organize and supervise brevets, flèches, and other randonneur events in their area. If there is no brevet series nearby and you have the necessary skills to organize one, please submit an RBA application. Your RUSA handbook has a very useful article about beginning the RBA process and how to design successful events. In addition, the RUSA RBA Liaison will be happy to work with you and answer your questions.

For existing RBAs, the tools, forms, and files below have been created to make preparation for events and processing of results easier. If there are other items that you would like to see provided here, contact the RBA Liaison.

RBA Calendar Dates

Absolute Dates

  • July 31 -- Application for new 1200km or longer Grand Randonnée (MS WordPDF)
  • August  1 -- Application for new RBA wishing to organize ACP or RM events for the next year
  • September 30 -- Calendar submission for ACP- and RM-sanctioned events for the following year

Dates Relative to an Event

RBA Procedures

Your detailed guide for designing routes, calendaring events, submitting results, and more:

RBA Procedures (single PDF document)  
► RBA Procedures (book format)

Secret Decoder Rings

Event Type Abbreviations

Cert # Abbreviations




          Randonneurs USA offers various types of signs to display at your events.


Some RBAs like to have a local copy of the RUSA membership list, brevet results, or ACP club codes databases on their computers. The files below are updated whenever the underlying database changes. You may need to install software to decode ZIP files.


Item Software Type File Format
RUSA Member List (sorted by number) MS Excel or compatible spreadsheet CSV
RUSA Member List (sorted by name) MS Excel or compatible spreadsheet CSV
RUSA Member List (sorted by name)   TEXT
Current-Year Brevet Results
(infrequently updated - use search engine for up-to-the-minute results)
MS Excel or compatible spreadsheet, ZIP CSV, ZIP

Other Resources

 The following items are described in the current RBA Procedures document. If you find that you are unable to read these, you may need to obtain other software to open ZIP archives or view Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
Item Software Type File Type
Rules for Organizers Browser HTML
Rules for Riders Browser HTML
1200k Organizer's Guide Adobe Reader PDF
1200k Organizer's Application Form Adobe Reader PDF
1200k Organizer's Application Form (MS Word) Microsoft Word .doc
ACP-sanctioned Brevet Card Master Microsoft Word .docx
ACP-sanctioned Brevet Card Master (more controls) Microsoft Word .docx
ACP-sanctioned Brevet Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
ACP-sanctioned Flèche Card Master Microsoft Word .doc
ACP-sanctioned Flèche Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
ACP-sanctioned Flèche Card Master (more spaces) Microsoft Word .doc
RUSA-sanctioned Brevet Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA-sanctioned Populaire Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA-sanctioned Arrow Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA-sanctioned Dart Card Master MS Word .doc
RUSA-sanctioned Dart Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA-sanctioned Dart Populaire Card Master MS Word .doc
RUSA-sanctioned Dart Populaire Card Master Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA-sanctioned Permanent Master Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA-sanctioned Permanent Populaire Master Adobe Reader PDF
Brevet Results Submissions (paper form) Adobe Reader PDF
Brevet Results Submissions (spreadsheet) MS Excel 4.0, ZIP worksheet, zip
RUSA Trademark Use Permission Request Adobe Reader PDF
RUSA Trademark Use Permission Request Word .doc