Web Team Update - January 2024
Prep for Perms with Gravel
On the Results Submission page, we will be adding a textbox for the unpaved distance actually ridden (whose initial value will be the unpaved distance in the database for the default route). [Note: has the Board actually approved this feature?]
Jake has also supplied a Gravelly Perms Guide document, which we are formatting into a web page. Here is the preliminary draft.
Also added miscellaneous gravel functionality - including searching for perms with unknown gravel.
Permanent Contributor Volunteer Data
We are keeping the data for use by the Permanents Committee, but will disable search for official by mid query string. Also, now the route contributor no longer needs to be an active member or in the volunteers database.
Also have hidden Permanent Route Contributor list from Officials Search.
Award Detail Pages
We have linked in detail pages for Ultra K-Hound Award and Ultra Flèche to the main Awards page. May want to add an entry for LRM Grand Randonnée medal (in the section listing the Populaire Pin, Team Event Pin, and SR 600 medal.
Mail Security Feature for Constant Contact
We will be doing some work to help authenticate emails sent by Constant Contact on our behalf using DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).
Research active members emails vs. drupal accounts emails
Lois reports:
There were 3987 active members (including 58 that belong to a family) and 2815 drupal accounts at the time of this preliminary analysis in mid-December. 607 of those drupal accounts belong to expired members.
There are 2162 active members whose email address matches their drupal accounts.
There are 11 email addresses in drupal that are shared with two users and one that is shared with three users.
There are 4 members that have two drupal accounts - two of those use the same email address on each account
There are 14 members that use different email addresses on membership and drupal accounts
There are 14 members that use different names on membership and drupal accounts
There are 6 members on Drupal that use the same email address as their family member (also on Drupal)
There are 2 members, not on Drupal, that share one email address
There is one member that may have two RUSA membership accounts (16428 and 16431)
We have 7 members with no email address
Ultra Randonneur award application now dynamically shows/hides events from previous claimed years
This makes it easier to find candidate SR series for a members next Ultra Randonneur.
Respectfully submitted,
- john lee, lois, charlie - for the Web Team