Web Team Update - June 2024
Lots of useful work on the Web Team front, and we have a new member!
New Member
Kevin Williams (RUSA #13395) has just joined our team. He will be coming up to speed on the perl codebase (the bulk of our code) and our database schema. Welcome, Kevin!
Bugzilla Issues Fixed or in Progress
Ability to filter routes by audax / allure libre - Suggestion is that when RBAs are assigning a route to an event (using the route dropdown), the selection filters on whether the event is allure libre or UAF audax. (Route design is affected by whether it’s for allure libre or audax.)
Constrain UAFB event distances to standard distances - UAF brevets have standard distances (100k, 150k, 200k, 300k, 400k, 600k, 1000k, 1200k) just as ACP brevets do. Need to allow only those distances when scheduling an audax event.
Perm DNFs are erroring out and not recorded properly - The Perm Audit Committee needs a quicker way to weed out perm rides that are DNF. Fixing this bug will allow that.
Our calculators for LRM updated for extra time for climby events - The LRM rules state that where the average rate of climbing is greater than 11 meters per kilometer, the organizer may request an added time allowance of the LRM (via the RUSA Brevet Coordinator). This will normally be a 5% allowance for every full m/km of extra climbing. Two US grand randonnées this season qualify for the extra time.
Team event rider results now display event name and destination rather than ‘?’ - This is in the “route” column. At least we’re providing event-specific information. (Team routes aren’t in the RUSA database.)
Event report can now sort by brevet route
Character encoding issues fixed (e.g., for accented characters) fixed in several places - Some special characters used to appear garbled.
Person with name change - Changing member name was not propagating to all the places needed on the Drupal side (the My Account displays for users). Man-Fai made a fix to that area.
Detect and prevent entering already-used email address - The (small) number of members with duplicate email addresses (i.e., duplicate to other members’) is being whittled down. But we need to prevent that in the future, for new members and for member info change. Requiring email addresses and that they be unique is in prep for better authentication and secure outreach, as for elections, and eventually for RBAs and other volunteers performing volunteer-specific duties (e.g., scheduling an event).
Prep for Elevation Initiative
Charlie has been laying some groundwork for crediting elevation ridden in perms and events, with the prospect that elevation will be displayed per ride and in totals as gravel distance is now. Recent progress includes a self-service tool for RBAs to assign elevation to their routes using one or more RideWithGPS routes. This solution was discussed with the brevet routes committee in 2023 as a way to distribute the workload.
Respectfully submitted,
- man-fai, lois, linda, charlie, john lee, and kevin