Guidelines for Completing the RUSA Waiver and Release Agreement

The waiver and release is a legal agreement between RUSA, the ride organizer, and the rider. It should be treated with the seriousness of a contract. In addition, obtaining completed waivers from all riders prior to an event is a requirement for our insurance coverage. If someone brings a claim against or sues an RBA and/or RUSA, we will be required to provide the signed waiver for that rider. Failure to produce a signed waiver could result in no insurance coverage for a claim or lawsuit. These guidelines are to help you obtain and maintain a waiver that demonstrates that the rider knowingly agreed to be bound by the terms of the agreement and meets the requirements for our insurance coverage.

  1.  As a standard custom and practice when you present the waiver, tell the person to read the waiver before signing.
  2. The waiver should be in a font large enough for easy reading. The bigger the better but at least 10-point font is recommended.
  3. All riders must be members of RUSA.
  4. All riders, including pre-riders, must sign the waiver and deliver the waiver to the ride organizer BEFORE starting the ride.
  5. RBA’s must sign waivers even when riding their own events. the insurance company could ask us to prove that we systematically collected waivers for all riders of that event, including yours.
  6. The riders’ names should be both printed and signed on the waiver. Names can be pre-printed and then signed by the rider.
  7. The signatures should be on the same page as the waiver. One waiver with a separate page of signature lines is NOT recommended. (Using legal size paper would allow for several signature lines on the same page as the waiver.) Having multiple waiver sheets available will also reduce waiting time and allow each person to have time to read the waiver.
  8. A new waiver should be completed for each separate event.
  9. Retain a copy of the waiver for the duration of the statute of limitations for your state. 
  10. The legal requirements for waivers may vary depending on legal jurisdiction. While RUSA believes that its waiver meets the requirements for most if not all jurisdictions, as an additional precaution, RUSA recommends that each Region have the RUSA Waiver Release reviewed by an attorney in the jurisdiction where the waiver will be used. Any concerns should be brough to the attention of the RUSA Board of Directors.
  • There are only two e-waivers currently approved for RUSA use - Smartwaiver and RideStats.  Use of any other e-waiver or form is not approved.
  • RideStats e-waiver approval sunsets 12/31/2024.  RideStats RBAs must download copies of all waivers for 2024 events for RUSA to file and use Smartwaiver for 2025 events.
  • Our target is to have all Regions move onto Smartwaiver in time for 2025 events.  RBAs may also, at their discretion, use paper waivers in addition to the accepted e-waivers.

UPDATED 6/2024