October 10, 2018 Board Meeting




Held October 10, 2018


A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by telephone conference and called to order at 1708 PDT by the President. 

The following Directors were in attendance:

• Debra Banks

• John Lee Ellis

• John Capn Ende

• Nigel Greene

• Jake Kassen (joined at 18:37)

• Lois Springsteen

• Dave Thompson

The minutes from the September 5, 2018 and September 17, 2018 board meetings were approved.

A confirmatory vote was taken and passed to approve a schedule variance for the Tip-to-Tail worker’s ride that was discussed in email.

The Treasurer provided a financial report. The objective of the store breaking even is being achieved. We may add PBP drop bags and PBP jerseys and other additional items to the store. Future advertising philosophy for American Randonneur is under consideration.

New waiver status was discussed. ACTIONS: Make new waiver available to RBAs and reference in the RBA procedures. Upload the new waiver to the site. Add waiver checkoff during membership processes of joining and renewing. Prepare guidance for RBAs and Perm Owners.

HD finishes were discussed. ACTION: The president will send a note to ACP regarding provisions of missing time controls vs. finish control delays. The rules don’t cover finish control delays.

The President reported that Brevet Week listings will be added to the website for 2019.

The Awards Review Committee has been established and the “Scout” Award will be presented to the board for consideration. The concept of multiple Galaxy awards was discussed as some riders are getting close to achieving this milestone.

The President reported that we’ve identified an editor and a blog will be added to our site.

The Treasurer will acquire the PBP art work and start planning for a PBP jersey, possibly in light weight wool. The treasurer will investigate lead time and availability of fabric with our vendor. There was concern that the expense of wool might hold some people back from purchasing wool over lycra. A volunteer will be identified by asking the membership for ideas via the RBA list.

The president reported that TravelHaus will offer similar PBP options in SQY to those offered by De Peres Travel in the past. Possible transportation to Ramboullet is being considered. Details will be announced on Facebook, website and blog as soon as they are available.

The RBA Liaison reported that the 2019 calendar submission to the ACP is on track with almost all regions planning ACP events for 2019.

The Mac & Cheese finish appeal by Chris Kaiser was discussed. MOTION: With the full knowledge that Chris will get credit for his results, we will explain to Michele that the decision should have been hers in the first place. Because she brought it to our attention that he was HD before-hand, we made a ruling. PASSED. The President will communicate this decision to the rider and the RBA involved.

The Secretary reported that the RUSA Members Facebook page has been reviewed and all pending applications have been acted upon. It may be prudent to ask an active Facebook member to moderate discussions on that page.

The meeting was adjourned at 19:05 PDT.