Board Meeting Minutes November 4, 2020





Held: November 4, 2020


A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by Zoom/ telephone conference and called to order by the President at 17:03 PST.

The Directors in attendance were:

• Debra Banks

• Pete Dusel

• John Lee Ellis

• John Ende

• Lois Springsteen

• Tim Sullivan

• Dave Thompson


A motion was made and passed to approve the meeting minutes for October 14, 2020.

The following e-vote was ratified – waiving the requirement that RBAs organize an event 2020 and 2021.

Lois presented a treasurer’s report including a Statement of Financial Position Comparison, a Statement of Activity, a Statement of Activity year to date comparison, a cash flow projection for 2020 and a 2021 budget. The budget was approved.

Tim reported on the ongoing litigation. A global mediation of the Romo case and the Starr action was held on October 29, 2020. The cases were not settled but discussions are continuing. Starr Insurance has agreed to reimburse RUSA for the attorney’s fees paid to Thompson Coe in defending the Romo case and will be paying the fees incurred by Bill Kimball in defending that case.

Tim then discussed whether RUSA should file a lawsuit against the insurance brokers involved with obtaining the Starr policy. He will try to determine the likelihood of RUSA being reimbursed by Starr for the attorney’s fees incurred in the coverage case.

Dave reported on the RUSA elections. Votes are being received. Deb suggested that in the future that separate ballots be created for the at large Board members and the RBA liaison with only RBAs receiving the ballot for the RBA liaison.

John Lee had presented a written report on the work of the Web team. The team has tested a R-12 Series completion code and will be promoted to production. A similar P-12 code will then be created. This will allow members to submit their R-12 and P-12 results even with the gap from the pandemic event shutdown. The team has also prepared the code for the 2021 permanent program and it will be activated on December 1, 2020. Finally a Bugzilla component has been added for issues regarding the Permanent program. Issues assigned to the component will go to the permanents committee who will then be able to track and respond to the issues.

Tim then discussed the By-Law change to reduce the election voting period from 45 to 30 days. It was agreed to table the change until next year and then create a committee to review any other possible By-Law changes effecting elections.

Pete raised the issue of requiring RBAs to report results within 7 days rather than 10 days so that the events can be reported to the insurance company within 10 days of the succeeding month. It was agreed that this can be done with a change to the RBA Procedures.

The next meeting will be held on December 16, 2020 and the newly elected Board members will be invited to attend.

The meeting was adjourned at 18:19 PST