June 9, 2021 Board Meeting





Held: June 9, 2021


A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by Zoom/ telephone conference and called to order by the President at 17:02 PDT.

The Directors in attendance were:

• Debra Banks

• Dan Driscoll

• John Lee Ellis

• Rob Hawks

• Dawn Piech

• Tim Sullivan

• Dave Thompson

The following evote was approved: Approval of the addition of the Support of Our Advertisers page to the Website.

A motion was made and passed to approve the meeting minutes for May 12, 2021.

Dan had circulated financial reports consisting of a Statement of Activity YTD Comparison and a Statement of Financial Position Comparison that were reviewed.

Regarding the litigation, Tim reported that we are waiting for a decision on whether the cases have settled.

Rob reported on his actions as the RBA Liaison. He followed up with new members who had not listed that they were affiliated with a region or the region’s host club to determine if they wanted to be contacted by an RBA of their choosing. The response was positive and Rob will send a Bugzilla issue to the Web Team to develop a method of connecting a new member with an RBA of the member’s choosing.  A few regions have not yet listed 2021 events and Rob will follow up with those regions. Some regions have only had a single rider so far in 2021. Rob reported on a potential new region and the RBA candidate. The deadline for RBA applications, the deadline for submitting Audax events for 2022 and other similar topics will be put onto a communication to be sent to all RBAs.

The Board approved the application of Daniel Blumenfeld as the RBA for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

John Lee provided an update on the activities of the web team. Charlie Martin is working on the coding for trace results, discussed how to handle the ordering for Rando Scout Award patches, created a warning message about submitting perm results before the ride could have been completed, and have examined how to calendar Audax results,

Next on the agenda was a discussion on how to list awards. Various options were discussed and the matter was tabled until the Board has more information.

Dave reported that a review of permanent results has disclosed that some members are still not following the rules. He had received a request from a member that a permanent can be started at any point on the route rather than at a control. The Board decided that such a change was not warranted.

Dave discussed the process of establishing new awards. An application for a new award should first be presented to the Awards Committee to be reviewed and if the committee approves the proposal then be submitted to the Board. It was discussed that applications should be submitted by August of each year. Then the Board can decide to implement one award a year if there are more than one applications.

The Board then discussed the proposal for a new award, the Super Rouleur, that had been presented. It was decided to table the award until the August meeting to first see if any other award applications are submitted.

Dawn had provided a report to the Board on her work as Incident Liaison, preparing a mission/vision/values statement, social media and communications, membership/women initiatives, and the creating of a monthly social media RUSA e-newsletter to members.

The Board discussed the e-newsletter for the purpose of enhancing member communication and as a supplement to American Randonneur. The Board approved the newsletter with electric distribution by using a site such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact for distribution to members. Rob agreed to create the monthly membership lists for the newsletter.

Dave discussed the BRM centenary ride on September 11, 2021 and specifically the distribution of the 400 ACP 200k Centenary medals ordered by RUSA. Rob will send out a request to RBAs to determine how many would like to purchase the medals and the amount, while preserving the option for members to purchase these medals from the RUSA Store.

The next Board meeting will be held on July 6, 2021.

The meeting was adjourned at 19:40 PDT