Held July 8, 2020
A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by telephone conference and called to order by the President at 17:05 PDT.
The Directors in attendance were:
• Debra Banks
• Pete Dusel
• John Lee Ellis
• John Ende
• Lois Springsteen
• Tim Sullivan
• Dave Thompson
A motion was made and passed to approve the meeting minutes for June 10, 2020.
The following e-votes were approved;
Non-sanctioning of the Iron Porcupine
SmartWaiver purchase
Postponing the intended July 1, 2020 soft opening
Lois presented a treasurer’s report including a Statement of Financial Position Comparison, a Statement of Activity, and a cash flow analysis for 2020
Tim reported on the ongoing litigation. Starr’s motions for summary judgment are to be heard on July 20, 2020.
The following RBA applications were approved: Alison Carey for the Houston region, Rose Cox for the Seattle region, and Wei Sun for the San Diego region. Each was approved to run a full series in 2021.
Deb reported on the work of the permanents committee that included the submission of a written report on the status of routes submitted that are being reviewed by 8 volunteers: Dave, JLE, Lois, Bill Gobie, Bill Vanderslice, Lynn Fitzsimmons, Kerin Huber and Crista Borras. 97 routes are activated and ready to go and 256 routes have been uploaded into the Route library. 23 states have routes submitted. In order to have a broader range of areas covered the Board will have an email sent to members who were permanent owners but have not submitted routes.
John Lee reported on the work by the Web Team pertaining to the new permanents program in a written report to the Board. This included the development of the User Account Control that will allow members to set up accounts on the website. This will authenticate who is signing waivers, joining the perms program, registering for rides and submitting results. This is currently being tested. Another aspect of the work being performed by the Web Team for the Perms program is joining and payment, registering to ride, including waiver signing, and results submission. It is anticipated that testing for this will commence in approximately one week.
Cap’n reported on the Pandemic Response Committee. It is too early to recommend whether to resume sanctioning rides in August. He will contact the other committee members for their recommendations on whether RUSA should start the permanents program even if brevets are not sanctioned in August, assuming that the permanents program is ready to open. Dave will prepare a communication to RBAs asking their thoughts on allowing permanents to start even if brevets cannot be held in August.
Pete raised an issue on whether RUSA should go back to requiring RBAs to calendar events 6 days before the event rather than 3 days that had been approved by the Board. A motion was made to return to the 6 day requirement
Pete also raised an application from Gary Kanaby to start a new region in the area of Waco, Texas, The Board decided to confer with other Texas RBAs before reviewing the application.
The meeting was adjourned at 18:47 PDT.