February 7, 2023 Board Meeting

Randonneurs USA Board of Director Minutes

FEBRUARY 7, 2023

  1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:01 p.m. Eastern time, over Zoom.  The following Board members were present.  Dawn Piech had an excused absence.

Bill Bryant

Charlie Martin

Dan Driscoll

Gardner Duvall

Rob Hawks

Vinny Muoneke

In addition (for his portion of the meeting): Treasurer – Dave Thompson (ex officio)

  1. Minutes: A motion to approve minutes for January 2023 was seconded and carried by a majority of votes.
  1. The Treasurer appeared and his report was accepted.
  1. A motion to open an investment account at Fidelity was seconded and carried by a majority of votes.
  1. The President provided plans for presenting the American Randonneur award to Deb Banks on February 12, 2023.  A publicity plan was agreed on.
  1. A discussion about advertising revenue was deferred to the next meeting.
  1. The RBA-Liaison announced that Rob Welch is stepping down as RBA of MN: Twin Cities / Rochester on January 1, 2024.  He is supporting a successor candidate.  He is supporting a successor candidate.  Likewise, Susan France is stepping down as RBA of OR: Portland on January 1, 2024, and she is supporting a successor.  Both RBAs were commended for their years of service.  The RBA-Liaison announced that all RBAs are now on his email list serve.
  1. There was a discussion about adding functionality to the RUSA website concerning searches for multiple riders simultaneously.  Action was deferred on this.
  1. A discussion about incentivizing multi-year memberships reached no consensus, and the matter was tabled.
  1. Each Board member is to provide goals for 2023, and review of 2022 goals, in advance of and for discussion at the next meeting. 
  1. A discussion of new RUSA membership goods was deferred.
  1. A discussion about the storage of ride waivers occurred.  There was also a discussion about including a publicity agreement in the membership waiver, with action to follow up with the Membership Committee on the latter.  The storage of ride waivers was deferred.
  1. A discussion about succession planning and related Bylaw changes was not reached.
  1. The next meeting was set for March 6, 2023, by Zoom.
  1. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 Eastern time, without objection.