Held: February 10, 2021
A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by Zoom/ telephone conference and called to order by the President at 17:03 PST.
The Directors in attendance were:
• Debra Banks
• Dan Driscoll
• John Lee Ellis
• Rob Hawks
• Dawn Piech
• Tim Sullivan
• Dave Thompson
A motion was made and passed to approve the meeting minutes for both January 13, 2021 and January 27, 2021. The minutes of the January 27, 2021 meeting will be posted after the Board publishes a list of goals.
Dave is working on a list of goals that will be posted on the website after review of the Board.
The next item was holding team events. It was agreed that team events can go forward with Rob requesting RBAs submit either an initial Covid 19 protocols or updates to already submitted protocols. The ACP will allow Fleche events to finish as late as October 15th and will allow more than one event date.
Dan led a discussion regarding using Etsy or other vendors to develop RUSA branded items with orders directly placed and shipped from the vendor with a commission paid to RUSA. Dan will contact Susan Otcenas to explore the idea and obtain the names of possible vendors.
Dan had circulated financial reports consisting of a Statement of Activity YTD Comparison, Statement of Financial Position Comparison, and a 2021 Budget vs. Actual that were reviewed.
Tim reported that in the litigation our attorneys are trying to schedule another mediation date in April.
John Lee reported on the activities of the web team in the past month. This included hosting Michal Young’s perm routes maps on the website. Man-Fai Tam is moving Jake Kassen’s apps, including Card-O-Matic, Perm and Event search by start proximity, Result Viewer and Rando Scout Award results list to RUSA. Lynne Fitzsimmons has added text guidance when a member logs in or sets up the members web account. The web team has been working on various awards such as the American Explorer, R-10000, K-Hound, and Ultra K-Hound. Charlie Martin has outlined a scheme for upgrading the procedural code. Facebook and Instagram logos will be added to the homepage. The Web team is thinking about a one day membership and allowing members to view the current issue of AR should those feature be requested.
The Board is both amazed and appreciative of the work put into by the web team. Dawn will send out a thank you note from the Board
Discussion was held on the goal of increasing membership John Lee will be doing a further analysis of the demographics, retention rate, rider activity of our members. Regional best practices were discussed including contacting RBAs to learn their best practices. Various Board members spoke. Dave will contact Paul Rozelle to see if he will write an article in AR suggesting ideas that RBAs can implement throughout the country. Advertising was also discussed including submitting free articles to various publications which would requires finding qualified writers.
Rob then discussed RBA initiatives. Rob is reviewing the onboarding process for new RBAs. He has been directly contacting RBAs with individual emails to get more responses to questions. He will be sending out a priority list of goals..
The meeting was adjourned at 19:26 PST