Held August 7, 2019
A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by telephone conference and called to order by the president at 1805 PDT.
The following Directors were in attendance:
• Debra Banks
• John Lee Ellis
• John Capn Ende
• Nigel Greene
• Lois Springsteen
• Tim Sullivan
• Dave Thompson
A motion was made and passed to approve the meeting minutes from July 16, 2019.
A motion was made and passed to approve three new 1200k events for 2020 and to approve Kerin Huber as RBA for Los Angeles, replacing Greg Jones who stepped aside after many years of service to his region.
The Treasurer provided reports prior to the meeting and answered questions. Cash flow to lawyers continues to be a prominent expense. The Treasurer is working with our insurance broker on alternatives for insurance coverage next year. A decision about the format of the Winter edition of American Randonneur will be made at the next board meeting.
The President announced we now have a functioning Instagram account and will make an announcement on the website.
Discussion was held about an RBA who wishes to resign without a replacement. The RBAL will discuss the issue with neighboring RBAs to see if a solution can be found to fill the gap.
Discussion was held about planning for a RUSA photo shoot at PBP. Hopes were expressed for a board get together while everyone is there.
The status of our litigation in the Starr and Romo cases was discussed. The attorneys for Starr have made a request for documents from us, due in early October. Tim Sullivan will gather the information requested and then present it to our attorneys for formal response.
The meeting was adjourned at 1900 PDT