Audax (UAF) Events Q&A


Q: Awards/Distance Credit? - Do I earn distance and other credit towards RUSA awards, given that Audax time limits a different from BRM, RUSA, and Perm time limits for some distances?  

A: Yes. The Audax time limits are close enough to BRM/Perm time limits.

Q: Credit towards RUSA Awards? Can I use RUSA Audax event finishes to count towards various RUSA awards, such as RUSA cup, Ultra-SR, R-12, P-12, Rando-Scout?

A: Yes, Audax rides count towards the same awards and distance credit as for any RUSA brevet or populaire. Audax brevets shorter than 200 km count the same as RUSA Populaires.

Q: UAF Medals? - Will finishers of US Audax brevets be able to obtain UAF finisher’s medals and awards? Will these be for sale in the RUSA store like the ACP medals?

A: Yes, the UAF offers brevet medals of the various distance denominations, stocked in the RUSA Store, which RUSA members can purchase.

Q: Finishing Behind the Peloton? - Can I earn RUSA kms on an Audax event even if I finish alone behind the Audax peloton, but inside the overall maximum audax time limit?

A: Yes, as long as you are an official finisher (i.e., you finish within the time limit and weren't DQ'd by the captain for riding outside the peloton for other than an allowable reason).

Q: Qualifying for a RUSA Grand Randonnée? - Can an organizer of a US RM-sanctioned Grand Randonnée that normally requires RUSA or ACP-sanctioned qualifying brevets for entry, allow Audax rides to count towards event entry, or must they be BRM format?

A: Yes, the organizer can allow that. Even now organizers for US 1200k's set their own rules - no qualification all the way to full a full Super Randonneur series, or a 1000k or 1200k in recent years, etc., etc., or substituting a Permanent or even a (non-RUSA) ultra event, with the organizer's permission.

Q: RUSA Membership? - Is RUSA membership required for US Audax participation?

A: Yes, same as for any other RUSA-sanctioned ride, per our insurance carrier.

Q: Coverage in American Randonneur? - Will the American Randonneur magazine offer articles about US Audax rides?  

A: Yes, just as it covers all types of RUSA events and Permanents (as well as non-RUSA rides and topics).

Q: UAF Attire? - The UAF has its own distinct colors and clothing that do not match anything RUSA does. Will RUSA be stocking audax clothing and merchandize?

A: We don't plan to offer any UAF attire in the RUSA Store, just as we don't stock ACP clothing. Riders interested in these items can order them directly from the UAF. Wearing UAF clothing is not required in the United States. Should anyone ride PBP-Audax, one of their 1000Ks in France, or Bordeaux-Paris, however, UAF clothing is required for one stage on those events so that they can take a photo of the peloton together. The jersey is included with the PBP-Audax entry. 

Q: Under-Age Participants? - Will the US UAF rules about under-age participants match those for RUSA/BRM?

A: Juniors are allowed on RUSA events now and the Audax program has its own junior series (les aiglons) that would come under our overall umbrella.  The UAF juniors' ride has its own rule set about the organization of those events, none of which are in conflict with any RUSA Rules that would apply to minors.  

Q: How is the nominal Audax pace maintained? - How does the captain maintain the nominal on-road pace (usually 22.5 kph) in the course of the ride?

A: The pace translates to a succession of times on the ride plan, down to each turn or other cue.  Observing these times is an art, not a science.  Sometimes pelotons will hit these times to the minute. Other times, not so much.  The captain tries to use best judgment and to be reasonable. The big picture is keeping as much – hopefully all – of the group together and having fun.

Q: Variance from On-the-Road Pace Because of Terrain? - Can the peloton deviate from the 22.5 kph (or 20 kph) pace between rest stops?

A: On hills, the captains set a pace that the group can comfortably maintain -- breaking the group up or having riders dangling or yo-yo'ing off the back, feeling like they're struggling to keep up or chase back on and that the group is riding away from them. On descents, riders may need to soft pedal or even brake so as not to deviate too much from the prescribed pace. But some terrain or geographical regions may not be suitable for Audax rides. Organizers should find terrain that keep pace deviations within bounds.

Q: Other Pace Deviations? - Is it allowed to vary the pace for other reasons than terrain?

A: The aim is to maintain the nominal Audax pace between stops. However, weather conditions, detours over contrary terrain, traffic delays, and any number of other unplanned factors may cause the pace to vary. Delays and slower pace can be made up by shortening the next rest stop or increasing pace for a time. And the ride plan can build in a buffer, so that if all goes well, the peloton finishes closer to the minimum finishing time, but has room to encounter delays and finish closer to the maximum finishing time. In terms of weather or other adverse conditions, safety always comes first - for example, to wait out an electrical storm.

Q: What Are Route Captains? - 

A: Route captains are appointed by the organizer to set the pace and navigate and to maintain the good order of the ride. The goal of an Audax brevet is to finish all riders within the time limit.  Captains need not be the strongest or fastest riders, but rather are leaders and motivate others to succeed. They are steady, smooth, safe, consistent riders who exercise good judgment.