Here is an example of the RUSA Results CSV file.
- If you supply the RUSA number, names from the RUSA membership database will be used... this will overrride anything you include
- If DNF/foreign, add a 1 in the DNF and/or foreign column
- If a line starts with #, it is a comment and will be ignored by the results page
- You do not need the CSV header row, if you want to include it, leave it in as a comment
- Please include all rider information
- ALL riders must be RUSA members
- Members,
non-members,and DNFs
- It is highly recommended that you sort results by rider's last name prior to submission
Example CSV
This is the file as displayed in a spreadsheet. Save it as a CSV (comma separated values) file.
** note, nationality and sex are required for 1200+k rides