Awards updates
- Can-Am awardees are up to date through 2024.
- Patched some holes with UAFB handling and updated surrounding documentation. UAFB counts towards RUSA SR designation in trophy case as well as towards the RUSA Ultra Randonneur award.
- Foreign events cap for K-Hound clarified. At most 5000 foreign kms can be used for qualifying, but the amount that's recognized in the total is unbounded.
- "RM" changed to "LRM" across all of the awards pages.
- Award applications including foreign events now only ask for documentation if there's a foreign event under 1200 km.
- Clarified format for entering foreign events. Rather than asking for "location/organizer" we ask for "event name / organizer" to better match what ACP and LRM are expecting for the awards they sanction.
- Stop recognizing unapproved award applications in the trophy case and in the K-Hound results listing. Still need a similar change for each of the online awards listings.
- K-Hound application updates are now self-service. Members can update their award record for the current year or any previous year in order to correct or add foreign events. If the foreign events are updated, the application is reset to the pending state until it's reapproved.
- The American Randonneur Challenge award management now properly displays records with lots of event entries.
American Explorer Award Disputes
Gary Delnero and Nick DeHaan answered our call for volunteers to clean up the backlog of American Explorer Disputed States. Gary has started looking at both resolved and unresolved issues. Now that Gary is on board, we’ll add Nick. Planning an orientation Zoom meeting for both.
We created some initial admin wiki content to kickstart things. Current content includes some high level goals of AmEx state resolution, plus some documentation on some subtleties and pitfalls of updating the list of states traversed for routes that already have results.
Administrative calendar
Charlie added this to the website and linked to it from the Records page.
Unpaved credit in team events
- Schema has been updated.
- Perl results submission logic has been updated.
- Angular results submission form has been updated.
- Yearly and lifetime unpaved totals reflect team results in individual member results pages.
- Remaining work includes back office functionality and lifetime gravel distance awards calculations.
Web Team Monthly Updates to be Published
The web team has reviewed past entries and is ready to link these from the Records page as soon as the board gives a thumbs-up.
Team Event Result Submission
We went over possible changes to the team event result submission page that Kevin has been working on. Kevin finds there is a lot of work to do. We discussed (some previously discussed):
- Removing gender and foreign columns. Does this affect the logic for pulling gender from the membership record for the spreadsheet sent to ACP?
- Adding ability to remove a team participant.
- Removing asking how many total riders started (in the previous page). This can be deduced from the actual submission.
- On that note, idea to add a button to add new riders to non-team-event result submissions, since we can do that for team events.
- Change the insulting header for “errors you have made” at the bottom of the page, which characterizes inputs not yet entered as errors, in addition to actual errors. This also for the non-team-event results submission. We understand that this was not meant to be insulting, just interactive, but we should change it.
- Kevin resolved bug 806 as part of these updates, and the change has been deployed.
Drupal code cleanup
We're looking at deleting unused or duplicated functionality in the Drupal system so that we don't need to maintain it. Paul Lieberman audited our current modules and flagged some candidates for deletion. So far we've taken the following steps:
- Removed the "My Results" Drupal tab and replaced it with a link to the Perl version that has the trophy case feature. This is code complete but not yet deployed.
- Enhanced the Perl Clubs Search feature to bring it to parity with the Drupal implementation, and then updated the navigation to use the Perl implementation. The Drupal implementation can now be deleted.
- Granted an API key to Arizona Randonneurs for automating their event registration workflow.
- Fixed a membership signup anomaly where the system was unable to assign the member's permanent RUSA #.
- Updated several parts of the website to use proper HTML entity encoding for user-supplied inputs, including brevet route names and permanent route names.
- Truncated brevet route dropdown items to 100 characters in the event calendaring workflow.
- Miscellaneous updates to support cert numbering for 2024 UAF results. Increased the max cert length from 11 to 18 for UAF results. Updated the UAFprep back office function to alphabetically sort results. UAF may have relaxed the requirement to track captains in results submissions, but we need to confirm the requirements for that.
- Added CONTAINS, LIST_CONTAINS, and LESS_THAN filter operators to RUSA database query tool.