Randonneurs USA Board of Director Minutes
September 10, 2024
- Call to order: The meeting on September 10, 2024 was called to order at 8:03 p.m. Eastern time, over Zoom. The following members were present.
- Bill Bryant
- Dawn Piech
- Charlie Martin
- Rob Hawks
- Vinny Muoneke
- Gardner Duvall
- Dave Thompson
Prior email votes were confirmed: approval of the July 2024 minutes, along with the following motions:
a) RUSA purchased volunteer patches, and distributed them to RBAs upon their request and at RUSA’s request. Some of the patches were retained by RUSA to distribute to RUSA volunteers.
b) Michael O’Connor was appointed RBA for NC:Raleigh to replace the late Martin Shipp. -
The Treasurer submitted written reports for July and August. Dave posed the question of whether next year’s budget should include revenue from the Permanents program.
Gardner reported that the Financial Audit Committee reviewed the July and August Treasurer reports, and had discussed by email the timing of certain payments and unbudgeted expenditure authorized by the Board.
RUSA attendance at the Philadelphia Bike Expo was discussed. Dawn stated that she would seek an expense line in the 2025 budget for this.
A motion to pay $700 to vendor Election Buddy to conduct a true secret ballot for the 2024 Board election was seconded and carried. There was a discussion about how to effectively publicize this election to all members.
A previously announced Bylaw amendment received a final vote, after the required period for publication to members. The motion to amend the Bylaws concerning Board vacancies was seconded and carried.
The RBA Liaison reported that an RBA had not been listening to repeated guidance and instructions regarding fundamental matters, including controlling and proof of passage. A motion to thank and dismiss the RBA was seconded and carried. The plan for the region is to reach out to RBAs in adjacent regions to solicit suggestions for a replacement.
A complaint about an RBA was investigated by Rob and Charlie, in a process with phone calls and other information obtained from a variety of members. The Board discussed and decided to guide the RBA regarding the matters considered and appoint a mentor for that RBA.
There was a discussion regarding the process for approving 8k600 brevets and placing them on the RUSA and ACP calendars. Rob and Charlie agreed to follow up to find improvements to these processes.
The Website Committee submitted a written report. Kevin Williams has joined that committee.
Rob reported that the majority of RBAs had not yet submitted 2025 ACP events. An issue with the calendaring process was discussed. Charlie and Rob are to work on RBA communications on this matter.
The following motion was made regarding time limits for permanents. For distances under 1200 km, the minimum and maximum pace for RUSA permanents will be aligned to match the minimum and maximum pace for the corresponding RUSA populaire or brevet distance. The normal permanents gravel time extension of 1 minute per unpaved km will be added on after the minimum pace calculation has been applied. The motion was seconded and carried.
There was discussion about a member survey concerning RUSA’s treatment of gender. Dawn will reach out to the working committee in an effort to develop the language of a survey.
The Board had a discussion about effective Board communication, led by Gardner.
The next meeting was set for October 8, 2024.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 Eastern time, without objection.