Randonneurs USA Board of Director Minutes
January 24, 2024
- Call to order: The meeting on January 24, 2024 was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, over Zoom. The following members were present.
- Dave Thompson
- Dawn Piech
- Charlie Martin
- Rob Hawks
- Vinny Muoneke
- Bill Bryant
- Gardner Duvall
- A written complaint against an RBA was considered. The Board considered extensive written materials and a video interview of the complainant. The RBA submitted a written response to the Board’s notice, and was interviewed without recording at the RBA’s election. Each Board member stated their views on the situation.
A test motion to rescind the RUSA membership of the RBA received no second and was not voted on. It was agreed that the RBA would be required to participate in a recorded Zoom meeting with the President and the RBA-L to work on unresolved issues.
- Rob reported that the new RBA for NY: Long Island has withdrawn.
- Rob discussed plans for the Brevet Coordinator Committee.
- Plans were discussed for the Audax Committee.
- Plans were discussed for a RUSA Headquarters calendar.
- Vinny provided an update on following up on the December 2023 Board decision to move forward with some volunteer recognitions from RUSA.
- Charlie provided a report on the process for the 2024 RUSA Board election, with the goal to conduct a true secret ballot. This would be done within the RUSA website environment. The system would require:
- A member account for all voters
- A unique email address for all member account holders
- Validating that no RUSA members are sharing an email account with other RUSA member
- Reaching out to members with such shared email accounts
- One-off solutions for voters who decline to create a member account
- Dawn reported on Between Controls.
- A motion to amend the Bylaws carried. The Bylaw concerning the Financial Audit Committee now reads, with the new text in italics:
Financial Audit Committee: Shall review the work of the Treasurer and report to the Board concerning the reliability of RUSA’s financial accounting. At least one member of the Financial Audit Committee shall be a member of the Board.
- A discussion of strategic planning was concluded with a plan to create a Marketing Committee.
- The meeting was concluded at 10:05 Eastern without objection., with a plan to determine when or whether to have a February meeting based on availability of a few BOD members in the month of February.