Randonneurs USA Board of Director Minutes
January 10, 2024
- Call to order: The meeting on January 10, 2024 was called to order at 8:08 p.m. Eastern time, over Zoom. The following members were present.
- Bill Bryant
- Dawn Piech
- Charlie Martin
- Rob Hawks
- Vinny Muoneke
- Gardner Duvall
- Dave Thompson
- Minutes: The minutes for the December 2023 meeting were approved.
- Elections for Officers were conducted. The following Officers were nominated and elected:
- President – Dave Thompson
- Vice-President – Dawn Piech
- Secretary – Gardner Duvall
- Treasurer – Lois Springsteen
There was a discussion about the need to replace Lois Springsteen on the Financial Audit Committee.
- The former Treasurer Dave Thompson appeared, having submitted a written report.
- Gardner Duvall reported on the review by the Financial Audit Committee of the Treasurer’s written report and supporting documents.
- There was a discussion about timing intermediate controls, with the anticipation ACP would soon eliminate timing of intermediate controls for events it sanctions. The subject of omitting timing of intermediate controls for RUSA sanctioned allure libre brevets, conditioned upon ACP doing the same, was tabled for further development.
- The American Randonnuer Award was given to Tim Sullivan.
- An application to be RBA of a new region centered in Chicago, Illinois was submitted by Sarah Rice. A motion to approve this application, with a name for the region to be determined, carried.
- A written complaint against an RBA was considered. A motion to resolve the complaint after notice and an opportunity for the RBA to be heard carried.
- The Brevet Coordinator submitted a written report.
- The Website Committee submitted a written report.
- Charlie Martin continued a discussion on gravel credit for permanents. It was agreed that the target date for starting the program remained February 1, 2024.
- Rob Hawks reported that there was a plan to onboard the new RBA for NY:Long Island.
- This meeting was continued to January 24, 2024
- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 Eastern time, without objection.