July 12, 2023 Board Meeting

Randonneurs USA Board of Director Minutes

July 12, 2023

  1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:02 p.m. Eastern time, over Zoom.  The following members were present.  
    1. Bill Bryant
    2. Dawn Piech 
    3. Charlie Martin
    4. Dan Driscoll
    5. Rob Hawks
    6. Vinny Muoneke
    7. Gardner Duvall
  2. The Treasurer did not appear, and his written report was discussed and accepted.  The President was to speak to the Treasurer about investment options for retained earnings.
  3. Minutes: The minutes for the June 2023 meeting were approved.
  4. The video project was discussed.  Editing of the videos is being completed, and distribution via Instagram, YouTube, Between Controls and directly to RBAs was discussed.  Later there was a discussion about creating a RUSA YouTube channel, with the objective of reaching beyond the existing randonneuring community.
  5. The RBA-Liaison reported on several RBA transitions.  Norman Ehrentreich was approved as the new RBA for MN/Twin Cities, and Rob Welsh was thanked for his service in that position.  The board discussed the idea of invitation only events, and concluded that it seemed to run counter to the goal of inclusivity.
  6. The Website Committee submitted a written report.
  7. Dawn Piech reported that the June Between Controls had 3350 sends, an 80% open rate, and a 22.1% click rate.  Dawn reported that a volunteer for BC has joined the effort.  Plans for future BC include a call for Board nominations for October 1 and a call to vote for November 1.
  8. A discussion about a RUSA volunteer award was deferred to September.  
  9. A discussion about a RUSA climbing award focused on technical and website questions, and coordination with the work of the Routes Committee.  Consideration was given to point-to-point routes, which can have different climbing depending on the direction that is ridden.
  10. Following the June motion to amend the Bylaws to create a Financial Audit Committee, there was a discussion about whether additional existing committees should be identified in the Bylaws.  The identity of the members of the Financial Audit Committee was discussed.
  11. The next meeting was set for August 9, 2023, by Zoom.
  12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:29 Eastern time, without objection.