ATTENDEES (b=board member): Spencer Klaassen (b), Mike Dayton(b), Lynne Fitzsimmons(b), Mark Thomas(b), Rob Hawks (b), Bill Beck(b)

  1. Approval of Minutes for April Meeting

    Minutes for the April meeting were approved.

  2. Confirm Email votes

    Approve Mike Fox for Quad Cities RBA

    Approve Vickie Backman for SLO RBA

    Approve Mike Schmit for Norman, OK RBA

  3. Reflectivity

    Bill Bryant agreed that a soft rollout of the new reflectivity expectations was a good way to proceed.

    Mike Dayton requested pictures for the reflectivity document.

    Timeframe for the document - will be mentioned in the RUSA newsletter column in June.

  4. Newsletter (Mike Dayton):

    It should be to the printer by May 19th, is on schedule, with lots of good content.

    The newsletter designer volunteer is dropping out. We need another volunteer for the design and production of the newsletter.

  5. Routes Committee:

    Dan Wallace is stepping down, and recommended Craig Mathews as chair. He also recommended Keith Sutton as a new committee member.

    Mike moved that Craig Mathews be appointed Routes Committee chair and adding Keith Sutton to the committee.

    Bill seconded, passed unanimously.

  6. Treasurer as Board Member: (Rob Hawks)

    Rob asks is it necessary for the RUSA Treasurer to be a Board Member? Eric is at the end of his term and not eligible for re-election.

    From the constitution, Duties of the Board of Directors, "It will elect the President and other officers from their number, ..." - ambiguity resolved; officers do need to be on the board.

  7. Minimum age for minors, inquiry from an RBA:

    The question is, do we want to deal with this case by case, or have a lower age limit, as Canada does.

    SFR has children riding as stokers. In BC, must be at least 14 to ride with an adult, age 17 needs parental approval to ride unaccompanied, age 19 may ride unaccompanied.

    Current rule is a rider under 18 must have consent of a parent or guardian.

    Spencer recommends allowing the RBAs some discretion. A broad rule would not allow the RBA to make a specific determination.

    The question was asked, for regions which rely on RUSA insurance, does the RUSA insurance have any restriction?

    From Eric re the RUSA insurance - need signature from parent, but parent does not need to accompany the minor on the ride.

    Conclusion: the board discussed it; have researched other organizations for guidance, nothing needs to change.

  8. RUSA Number 10000:

    It will be assigned as it comes along; no reserving it for anyone in particular.

  9. RUSA Handbook:

    Text is laid out; adding pictures. Expect to have it pulled together in the next couple of weeks.