ATTENDEES (b=board member): Mike Dayton(b), John Lee Ellis(b), Rob Hawks (b), Lois Springsteen (b), Eric Vigoren (b), Bill Beck(b), Lynne Fitzsimmons, Spencer Klassen, Jim Kuehn, Jennifer Wise.
The board considered a proposal from a member that RUSA adopt a new logo. The consensus of the board was that board members like the current logo but would be willing to consider some great new design if it was submitted.
Synchronized Deadline for Awards
The board approved changing the deadline for applying for the American Randonneur Challenge award to January 31 to make it consistent with the RUSA distance and K-Hound awards.
Rules Committee Updates
The board confirmed that the start and finish controls on brevets and permanents cannot be postcard controls since the start and finish must be timed. The board also discussed ways to strengthen the requirements for reflective gear.
The board thanked Jim Kuehn for his many contributions to RUSA during his 13 years as webmaster and discussed possible replacement candidates.