ATTENDEES (b=board member): Bill Beck(b), Mike Dayton(b), Jim Kuehn, John Lee Ellis(b), Rob Hawks (b), Paul Rozelle, Lois Springsteen (b), Mark Thomas(b), Eric Vigoren (b), Jennifer Wise.

  1. American Randonneur Award

    The board confirmed the email vote that approved Crista Borras for the American Randonneur award.

  2. Status of Super Randonnee 600K

    John Lee Ellis reviewed the status for the new Super Randonnee 600K program. There are at least a half-dozen U.S. routes somewhere in the process. There may be an allowance of extra time for extra elevation gain beyond 10,000 meters, but the formula is not fixed yet. Mr. Kuehn discussed the amount of work remaining to handle result submission, result management, and report writers. The board also discussed what parts of the program might be administered locally by RUSA.

  3. Accident Reports

    Lois Springsteen reviewed the compilation of accident reports that she has received. The reports have provided some useful information on how many accidents involved dogs, bad drivers, cyclist error, or other causes. She will prepare a summary article for an upcoming newsletter.

  4. Timing of Information Controls

    Rob Hawks noted a letter from a rider that indicates that Article 8 in the rules for timing of information controls may need to be clarified to make it clearer that it is OK for RBAs to ask riders to note their time at information controls, but info controls do not have opening or closing times.

  5. Member Handbook

    The board discussed the need to order more member handbooks. Mike Dayton will talk to Bill Bryant and the printer to gather the cost for reprinting the current version vs. making changes and printing a new version.

  6. RUSA Promotion for External Events

    Mike Dayton said that RUSA has received requests to promote some foreign events. He noted that previous requestors have been happy with RUSA providing a link from our web page and/or providing a notice on our Facebook page.

  7. RUSA Store

    Jennifer Wise discussed the deadline for application for the RUSA distance awards. The board decided to extend the deadline to Feb. 15. She also noted that paper applications for mileage and R-12 awards are very labor intensive.

  8. Newsletter

    Paul Rozelle just took over as editor for the Spring issue. The next issue is at the printer, has around 50 pages, and includes write-ups from Australia as part of an effort to promote international events. New volunteers will be coming on board to do layout and advertising coordination.

  9. RBA Reimbursement and Insurance

    The board voted to continue the RBA reimbursement program, under which RBAs can receive partial reimbursement for their expenses. Estimated cost is $5000-$6000 based on previous years.