ATTENDEES (b=board member): Lois Springsteen (b), Mark Thomas(b), Jennifer Wise (b). Eric Vigoren (b), John Lee Ellis(b), Rob Hawks (b), Cecil Reniche-Smith (b), Mike Dayton, Jim Kuehn, Don Hamilton

    1. Ratification of Votes Taken Since January Board Meeting: Finalization of American Explorer Award; Approval of New RBA John Preston; Election of Mike Dayton as recipient of 2012 American Randonneur Award. Mark moved to ratify all three, Eric seconded, and the Board approved.
    2. Treasurerʼs Report: Eric reported that organization was in sound financial shape After membership receipts and payments to the ACP and to the insurance carrier, the organization has a comfortable cash cushion. Mark suggests that we think of ways to use some of that cash to promote randonneuring.
    3. RBA Reimbursement: Eric presented a table of proposed RBA expense reimbursement amounts for 2011. Eric explained that last year between 60-65% of the RBAs sough the reimbursement, an increase from previous years. The Board approved the reimbursement plan.
    4. PBP Reimbursement: Mark reported that he had received RUSA members' post-PBP packages from ACP and had mailed them out to the individual riders. The Board discussed whether RUSA should seek a credit from ACP for the money spent to ship out individual PBP packages to RUSA members.
    5. Newsletter Expenses: Mike Dayton reported that newsletter expenses for 2012 should be down from 2011, because there will not be special issues tied to PBP and there will not be a hard- copy Results publication. Advertising revenue will be most likely increase. There was a brief discussion of allowing ads on the RUSA website, but the Board rejected that idea.
    6. Volunteer Committee Composition Discussion: Mark asked if the Board historically approved committee membership, and members said the board typically did not approve those members. The board discussed the make-up of various boards, including the Permanents Committee and the Routes Committee, with changes taking place on those two.
    7. Accident Reporting: The board noted that accident reporting was moving along. Lois said she would prepare a proposed reporting form and work with Jim and Don on a web tool for submitting reports.
    8. Store Report: Jennifer suggested stocking the medals for 1200Ks in the store for individual members to order as with other medals, relieving RBAs of the burden of estimating how many they will need.
    9. American Explorer and RUSA Cup: The board discussed that the American Explorer Award and RUSA Cup are ready to roll. Jim has created a web page for each, and there will be an article announcing and describing each in the next Newsletter.
    10. Super Randonée: The Board discussed whether RUSA should add Super Randonnées to the event menu; the consensus was that as soon as RUSA members found out about the Super Randonnée, they would want to have access to it, especially because it is a criterion for yet another trinket. The Board determined that RUSA should have Super Randonnées, but that it would take time to work out all the details properly