April 12, 2023 Board Meeting

Randonneurs USA Board of Director Minutes

APRIL 12, 2023

  1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:07 p.m. Eastern time, over Zoom.  The following members were present.
    • Bill Bryant
    • Dawn Piech
    • Charlie Martin
    • Dan Driscoll
    • Rob Hawks
    • Vinny Muoneke
    • Gardner Duvall
  2. Minutes: A motion to approve minutes for March 2023 was seconded.  Suggested changes to the draft minutes were discussed and then finalized by email.  The motion to approve carried by email vote on April 14, 2023.
  3. The Treasurer did not appear, and his written report was discussed and accepted.
  4. The RBA-Liaison reported that a Zoom seminar for PBP preparation had 40 attendees, with an additional 369 views of the recording by the date of the Board meeting.  A PBP interview series had also been viewed 224, 166, and 132 times by the date of the Board meeting.   PBP pre-registration had 592 RUSA members who are U.S. nationals.  This is shaping up to be the largest U.S. contingent since 2007, and San Francisco Randonneurs has more members registered than all but three other countries.  ACP results are up to date, and there is a plan to handle results late in the pre-PBP period in a timely fashion.  Rob reported that Chris Argo is a good addition to the Brevet Coordinator team.  Rob was to discuss with the Web Team the date sorting function of the website’s ride search feature.  There was a review of the performance of several RBAs.  A request to revive certain regions which lack an RBA was discussed. 
  5. Dawn Piech reported that Between Controls had an open rate of 76%, and was received by more than 2,800 RUSA members.
  6. Charlie Martin discussed matters concerning the entry of flèche results, UAF requirements for audax brevets, and foreign results for RUSA members.
  7. There was a discussion of Board goals.  Subjects discussed briefly were climbing awards, volunteer support, increasing membership, and conducting RUSA business with respect.  There was a discussion about a process for setting Board goals.
  8. There was a discussion about RUSA preserving all ride waivers.  The subject was held over for later consideration.
  9. There was a discussion about creating a Nominating Committee.  Considerations of independence and a method for appointing members were discussed.  The subject was held over for later consideration.
  10. There was a discussion about the RUSA Instagram account.  Ben Everett took over responsibility for the account in 2022, with a 25% increase in followers since, beyond the 2,000 Ben inherited.
  11. A discussion about genders for RUSA awards was held over for later consideration.
  12. The next meeting was set for May 10, 2023, by Zoom.
  13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 Eastern time, without objection.