June 14, 2017 Board Meeting




Held JUNE 14, 2017



A regular meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by telephone conference and called to order at 2004 EDT by the President.


The following Directors were in attendance:

  • Debra Banks
  • John Lee Ellis
  • Nigel Greene
  • Susan Otcenas
  • Paul Rozelle
  • Lois Springsteen
  • Dave Thompson


No others were in attendance.  Banks was present until 2104.


The minutes from the regular meeting of May 10, 2017 were approved.


Two motions that had been made by email were discussed regarding the adoption of electronic proof of passage for permanents, including whether a brevet card would continue to be required for all permanents, the impact, if any, on the route approval process, that any use of an electronic proof of passage method or nonuse of a brevet card must be mutually agreeable between both the rider and the permanent owner, and that all permanent routes must be rideable by traditional methods regardless of whether electronic proof of passage is employed.  Following discussion, and after a motion by Ellis on May 23 was withdrawn, a vote was taken on a motion made by Greene on May 29 to adopt electronic proof of passage for permanents.  That motion passed after it was seconded.  The Rules Committee would be informed of the permissibility of electronic proof of passage for permanents and would create rules to implement this change consistent with guidance from the Board.


Further discussion was had concerning a Board Covenant, which would be continued by email and telephone, with an update to be received at the July 2017 Board meeting at which further discussion would be had, if necessary.


Discussion was held concerning a proposal that would permit those conducting a route check-out ride of a brevet to ride a permanent on the day of the event for which they had completed the check-out ride.  An initial consultation with the Rules Committee had occurred and the issue would be further addressed there and discussed at the next regular Board meeting.


The 2017 Board election planning and timeline was discussed and it was agreed that further discussion would be had by email.


A proposal for an RM-sanctioned Florida 1600K to be held in 2018 was received from John Preston (South Florida).  Following discussion, a vote was taken and the event proposal was approved.  Ellis would convey the approval of the event to Preston.


A report was received from the Treasurer on the financial position, including membership numbers and the potential for a year-over-year comparison of the financial position as well as the membership numbers.


Discussion was then held concerning publicity of RUSA and randonneuring within the larger cycling community, including at events such as the Philly Bike Expo, NAHBS, and other potentially randonneuring-friendly forums.  Additional discussion was held concerning making information on new members available to the RBAs for the region(s) where those new members live or might readily ride events in an effort to encourage them to become involved in their local randonneuring community and participate in events.


Discussion was held briefly concerning the 20th Anniversary of RUSA in August 2018, including event, medal, and special-edition jersey possibilities.


The meeting was adjourned at 2134 EDT.


Next meeting: July 12, 2017, at 2000 EDT.