Permanents Committee Report 2004
RUSA members between them rode 90 Permanent rides in 2004, a grand total of 19191km. Congratulations to all who completed Permanent rides this year, and a big thank you to everyone who submitted routes. Most of the initial offerings came from RBAs who, of course, already have a whole catalogue of current and former brevet routes. It is great to see a few more now coming from other members too. The Dallas region of Texas stands out for being quick to make use of this new program. With a kick-start from local RBA Dan Driscoll, several rides have been validated every month since the start of the season. It is surely no coincidence that, of the seven riders to achieve the RUSA 5000km distance award in 2004, six are from this region, and some of them may well also be among the first to achieve the new R-12 award.
New routes have been added to the online database. They appear in the table below.
The Permanents section of the RUSA web site was recently enhanced. Visitors will now find everything relating to Permanents gathered together in one place. The Permanents main page can be found in the main menu under "Search For / Permanents". This page contains the online search engine for Permanent routes, together with the Permanents FAQ, Rules for Organizers, and Rules for Free-Route Permanents. The new "Rules for Permanents Organizers" replaces the previous Guidelines document. While little has changed in essence, this document has been revised to provide a more formal structure, with increased detail, and improved clarity on a number of issues.
There is also a new Organizers' Resources section. This contains all the master documents and online tools that an organizer is likely to need to set up and administer a route.
New route applications are always welcome, especially from regions not yet represented, and can be submitted to the Permanents Coordinator at any time. Contact Robert Fry, cvbrevet@mchsi.com, (319) 226-5436.