2025 Summary of Results

These tables include results submitted and fully processed through 2025/02/25.

USA 2025 Finishers by Region (year to date)

Region # of finishers
ACP events RM events RUSA events
2003004006001000flèches <200 2003004006001000darts arrows dart populaire
AL: Birmingham               2                
AZ: Phoenix 21 7           6                
CA: Davis 11             14                
CA: Los Angeles 43 18           14                
CA: San Diego 39 18           53                
CA: San Francisco 119             103 11              
CA: San Luis Obispo 15 7           7                
CO: Boulder 17                              
FL: Central 11 14                            
FL: Northeast 16 17 6         6                
FL: Southern 12 5                            
GA: Atlanta 2             2                
HI: Maui               1                
MN: Twin Cities / Rochester               3 5              
NC: Asheville 10     4       9                
NC: High Point 2                              
NY: Central/Western                 1              
OR: Portland 12             8                
PA: Eastern                 23              
TN: Nashville               2                
TX: Austin 9 3                            
TX: Central Texas               16                
TX: Dallas 11 5 1 2       38 6             10
TX: Houston 3                              
VA: Northern 3             3                
WA: Seattle               78               27
TOTALS 356 94 7 6       365 46             37

ACP Points

The ACP assigns "points" for each rider that completes an ACP-sanctioned event. The number of points assigned depends on the brevet distance as indicated by the table below. Nations and organizing clubs are ranked by the number of points accumulated during the year and the results are listed in the annual ACP plaquette (magazine). PBP completions accumulate ACP points; however, other 1200km+ events such as BMB do not. There are no ACP points for fleches nor are there any for domestically-sanctioned events such as populaires, arrows, and domestic brevets.

DistanceACP Points (per finisher)
1200km (PBP only)12 (male finisher)
18 (female finisher)

USA 2025 ACP Points by Organizing Club (year to date)

Club Finishers ACP Points
San Francisco Randonneurs/905030 119         238
Pacific Coast Highway Randonneurs/905051 43 18       140
San Diego Randonneurs/905140 39 18       132
Northeast Florida Randonneurs/909034 16 17 6     107
Central Florida Randonneurs/909062 11 14       64
Arizona Randonneurs/903020 21 7       63
Lone Star Randonneurs/943026 11 5 1 2   53
San Luis Obispo Randonneurs/905166 15 7       51
Asheville International Randonneurs/933011 10     4   44
South Florida Randonneurs/909014 12 5       39
Rocky Mountain Cycling Club/906002 17         34
Hill Country Randonneurs/943025 9 3       27
Oregon Randonneurs/937020 12         24
Davis Bike Club/905014 11         22
Northern Virginia Randonneurs/946020 3         6
Houston Randonneurs/943030 3         6
Bicycle For Life Club/933057 2         4
Audax Atlanta/910004 2         4
Finger Lakes Randonneurs/932007           0
Pennsylvania Randonneurs/938017           0
Seattle International Randonneurs/947018           0
Minnesota Randonneurs/923003           0
Alabama Randonneurs/901004           0
Heart of Texas Randonneurs/943049           0
Tennessee Randonneurs/942007           0
Maui Randonneurs/911003           0
TOTALS 356 94 7 6   1058

Domestic Points

RUSA also has developed a system of points that includes all events on its calendar, some of which are not counted under the ACP points system. For example, a small region that organizes a 1200km event or a series of populaires may accumulate more domestic points than ACP points during a season. Domestic points recognize RBAs who are expanding the range of randonneur event types in their regions. The domestic points system may be used in various cost-sharing formulas or rebate systems intended to assist RBAs.

Type and DistanceDomestic Points (per finisher)
RUSA Populaire (100-199km)1
ACP 200km or RUSA 200-299km2
ACP 300km or RUSA 300-399km3
ACP 400km or RUSA 400-599km4
ACP 600km or RUSA 600-999km6
ACP 1000km or RUSA 1000-1199km10
RM Grand Randonnée 1200km+12
ACP Flèche or RUSA Arrow (24h/360km)4
RUSA Dart (12h/180km or 13h30/200km)2
RUSA Dart Populaire (8h/120km)1

USA 2025 RUSA Points by Region (year to date)

Region RUSA Points
CA: San Francisco 363
CA: San Diego 185
CA: Los Angeles 154
FL: Northeast 113
TX: Dallas 113
WA: Seattle 105
AZ: Phoenix 69
FL: Central 64
CA: San Luis Obispo 58
NC: Asheville 53
PA: Eastern 46
FL: Southern 39
CA: Davis 36
CO: Boulder 34
OR: Portland 32
TX: Austin 27
TX: Central Texas 16
MN: Twin Cities / Rochester 13
VA: Northern 9
GA: Atlanta 6
TX: Houston 6
NC: High Point 4
TN: Nashville 2
NY: Central/Western 2
AL: Birmingham 2
HI: Maui 1
TOTAL 1552

USA Historical Trend

Year ACP Events RM Events RUSA Events Partici-
BrevetsFlèchesPBP (M)PBP (F) 1200+km PopulairesBrevetsArrowsDartsDart Pop.Perm'ts ACPRUSA
1999 3438 69 262 42     0         965 15558 10186
2000 1430 75     104   0         759 4530 6052
2001 2023 90     122   0         957 6406 8250
2002 2745 71     93 27 0         1242 8618 10035
2003 4697 81 344 56   153 62         1610 20019 15481
2004 2721 142     99 363 37       90 1438 8136 10346
2005 3338 142     209 387 253       282 1680 10280 14270
2006 3901 153     186 670 860   33   775 2273 12216 17858
2007 6845 216 365 45   743 874   17   1705 2709 22490 26296
2008 3374 237     102 941 1786 18 44   2144 2605 10449 17930
2009 4277 188     156 599 1534 8 31   3586 2371 14067 21038
2010 7182 322     120 664 845   48   4792 2992 23990 29634
2011 7098 199 307 37 119 955 1098   83   6993 3136 22502 28454
2012 5699 304     156 1521 905   95   8718 3376 16831 23678
2013 5848 247     230 1165 981   147 39 8603 3312 17549 25058
2014 6908 244     222 1233 1092   108 20 10041 3619 22134 29775
2015 7497 225 331 42 73 1339 853   101 78 10599 3504 23642 28928
2016 5094 274     208 1251 957 21 128 88 9931 3879 15324 22677
2017 5084 240     100 1363 766   55 152 9527 3123 15463 20984
2018 5877 242     245 1794 1071 15 68 118 8484 3361 18237 26618
2019 5960 195 276 31 52 1117 805   34 106 7674 2676 19039 23496
2020 1198         906 828       2427 1236 2950 5607
2021 3302 93     95 942 836   39 129 6864 1929 9137 13597
2022 5001 147     221 1716 528   28 220 6926 2350 15372 21933
2023 5248 122     93 1687 527   33 212 8422 2221 16650 21328
2024 3711 111     195 1985 538   32 335 8891 2255 10620 16929
2025 (ytd) 463         365 46     37 1000 724 1058 1552
Other than PBP, this table includes only those events run by USA clubs.
It does not include events done by USA participants in other countries.

The 1999 ACP points figure includes brevets run under both the RUSA and the International Randonneurs organizations. RUSA does not have any of the data from International Randonneurs in its database.

World Rankings -- Nations

ACP points are accumulated for each of the world's nations and these are also ranked. The 2012 standings were:
Rank in 2012NationACP Points
199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025 (ytd)
1Japan0 0 0 827 1354 1475 3037 4759 5988 6678 11997 17232 14298 18782
2USA15558 4530 6406 8618 20019 8136 10280 12216 22490 10449 14067 23990 22502 16831 17549 22134 23642 15324 15463 18237 19039 2950 9137 15372 16650 10620 1058
3Italy3856 1642 785 2080 7645 1814 1365 2701 9119 5693 5930 8106 11121 7463
4Australia4772 2241 2460 2794 3661 2448 3278 3329 6457 3750 5130 7384 6838 6765
5Brazil0 0 0 0 159 990 0 468 2527 2761 4716 4635 5286 6256
6France69371 3817 3374 5355 58301 4239 3953 5029 54970 4503 8830 24821 51267 6231
7Taiwan0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 932 1720 5937 3822 5704
8Russia813 307 359 598 1062 462 1146 1988 2250 1778 3120 4344 5549 5650
9Germany3265 954 924 1418 6294 1614 2075 2517 8293 2836 4688 7488 10603 4876
10Spain13138 301 453 342 6056 527 3087 1750 5387 3045 4580 5086 6576 4363
11Greece0 0 0 0 739 536 627 718 964 807 958 1433 1819 3588
12Canada3608 1718 1887 2404 4406 3053 3368 3140 4429 2661 3348 4316 4500 3128
13England15880 4621 3284 3895 15384 3348 2305 2591 13070 1151 1671 9266 11993 3062
14India0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 301 1011 2040
15Ukraine110 27 0 0 110 87 45 30 36 12 37 203 360 1664
16Belgium2920 1040 1232 1529 3774 2078 2810 829 1956 585 915 1858 3045 1630
17Sweden1938 359 671 593 1743 489 585 676 2290 899 1581 3438 3392 1493
18S. Korea0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 347 1159
19Slovenia0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 318 394 569 1130 1030
20Bulgaria279 221 351 255 467 310 296 441 594 267 392 717 941 1010
21Holland2406 311 375 597 2201 287 331 539 1795 352 662 1541 2266 834
22Denmark4358 688 644 767 5628 555 827 1064 3941 1012 1420 3435 3207 797
23Indonesia0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 788
24Ireland48 0 21 79 97 26 80 26 230 208 231 570 802 732
25Austria579 131 110 87 454 6 128 124 765 312 577 498 826 677
26Portugal0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 176 427
27Finland216 24 0 5 209 53 45 42 230 97 257 401 447 417
28Croatia0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 97 266 365
29S. Africa585 418 326 356 773 132 892 1020 1001 105 188 515 699 333
30Hungary0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 138 271
31Serbia0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 234
32Uzbekistan0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 234 177
33Poland0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343 221 169
34Norway1084 317 396 310 807 236 185 213 467 147 176 232 411 151
35Philippines0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421 134
36Israel0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 148 0 29 61 152 66
37Estonia0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 63 36
38China0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 4 4 64 758 30
1ACP sometimes reports points for the Catalan and Vasco regions of Spain separately. This is a combined total.

In non-PBP years, the USA has typically led all nations in ACP points. Not so in 2012 -- Japan has taken over that position. In PBP years, France dominates the competition. For example, in 1999, France had 69371 points versus 15558 in the USA. Points resulting from PBP completions make a huge difference: 20034 for France vs. 3900 for the USA in 1999.

In 2003, ACP reported national rankings for BRM brevet points (200km-1000km) just as it does in non-PBP years. However, it also published the "Challenge ACP" which ranked nations and clubs for 200km through 600km brevets and PBP finishes (inexplicably, this ranking omits points for 1000km brevets). The table above uses the "Challenge ACP" rankings and totals for 2003; for all other years, the totals include points for 1000km brevets. In 2007 and 2011, ACP reported national rankings but excluded points for PBP finishes. This makes the 2007 and 2011 points totals incomparable with the 1999 and 2003 totals (which included PBP points).

An interesting statistic is the number of ACP points accumulated relative to the nation's population, a crude measure of the popularity of randonneur cycling in that country. The following table is based on the points from 2012 and the population estimate of 2000.
Rank in 2012NationACP PointsPopulation
ACP Points
per million people
1Slovenia1030 2 515
2Australia6765 18.9 358
3Greece3588 10.6 338
4Taiwan5704 22.2 257
5Ireland732 3.7 198
6Sweden1493 8.9 168
7Belgium1630 10.2 160
8Denmark797 5.3 150
9Japan18782 126.7 148
10Italy7463 57.3 130
11Bulgaria1010 8.2 123
12Spain14363 39.6 110
13France6231 59.1 105
14Canada3128 30.2 104
15Croatia365 4.4 83
16Austria677 8.2 83
17Finland417 5.2 80
18USA16831 273.8 61
19Germany4876 82.2 59
20Holland834 15.8 53
21England3062 58.8 52
22Portugal427 10.5 41
23Russia5650 146.9 38
24Brazil6256 170.1 37
25Norway151 4.5 34
26Ukraine1664 50.5 33
27Estonia36 1.3 28
28Hungary271 10 27
29S. Korea1159 47.8 24
30Serbia234 10 23
31Israel66 6.2 11
32S. Africa333 40.4 8
33Uzbekistan177 26.6 7
34Poland169 38.5 4
35Indonesia788 213.4 4
36India2040 1000 2
37Philippines134 81.2 2
38China30 1277.6 0