This form calculates the opening and closing times for RM-sanctioned randonnées of 1200km or more.
The recommended timetable for 1200km/90-hour events is the one defined in the "90-hour ACP" table below. It sets minimum and maximum speeds for distance ranges up to 1300km. For longer randonnées, different schedules are often employed.
Curiously, the 90-hour schedule used for the last few Paris-Brest-Paris randonnées does not follow the ACP-approved schedule! Therefore, a P-B-P 90-hour variation is included for comparison.
It is common for the organizers of 1200km randonnées to offer compressed time schedules (e.g., 80hrs, 84hrs) in addition to the 90-hour standard. This calculator offers an 84-hour and 80-hour schedule modeled on the 1995 Paris-Brest-Paris timetable. (In 1999 and 2003, there were all-too-frequent reports of the inter-control distances being wrong; hence, the time schedule was deemed too unreliable to be used as a reference.) Fitting speed ranges to any PBP timetable is problematic; it is clear that the organizers adjust control opening and closing times for their convenience.
For events longer than 1300km or those employing a different timetable, a custom selection of speed ranges is provided.
Questions should be directed to Jim Kuehn. Details of the algorithm may be of interest to those using this calculator to generate a custom schedule for a randonnée.
STEP 1: Indicate the event distance, starting date, and starting time.
- Times are shown in a 24-hour format; for example, 2:00 AM is shown as 02:00 and 5:45 PM is shown as 17:45.
- It is assumed that all checkpoints are located within the same time zone.
- The output is displayed as simple text for easy cutting and pasting.
- After generating the table, use your browser's Back or Previous button to return to this form.